September 5, 2024 By alex

New training and certification: 1 year long program in Rest and anti-burnout methodology

Starting from October 2024, IPH offers a one year training program for corporate clients and for individuals, in Rest and anti-burnout methodology. The program will focus on the organizational, HR and personal development models associated with rest, key theoretical concepts in the philosophy and psychology of rest, the relationship between resting and workplace effectivity, the models, formats and types of most effective resting, and the organizational structures and personal life plans that maximize effectiveness and minimize the chances for burnout.

Modern corporate practice and the modern way of life generate conditions for personal and productivity burnout, with all of the destructive effects of burnout for health and wellbeing, social relationship and the legal consequences for companies. The inclusion of anti-burnout and rest-enhancement policies, training and organizational structures in a company, and in personal life, reduce the risks of litigation and its adverse outcomes, of employee outflow and, on a personal level, of mental illness, loss of productivity, depression, disturbances to personal relationships and financial wellbeing.

The IPH Certificate in Rest and anti-burnout policies is exclusive in Europe. It is intended for HR professionals, psychologists, corporate leaders and business owners, as well as for individuals who whish to develop their methodology of resting and maximizing their quality of corporate and personal life according to the state of the art standards and become a part of the modern community of companies, and a growing community of individuals, who see and practice rest and anti-burnout as an integral part of their company life, and as a key element of their personal lives and personal development.

The cost of the training program is  EUR 4400 for companies per person, and EUR 3600 for individuals. The individuals can pay their tuition on a trimestral basis, with 4 annual installments of EUR 900 each.

The number of places is limited. Applications include a letter of motivation and a full cv, sent to: